Antillis Pink Toe Versacolor Tarantula 1
The vast majority of Tarantulas are harmless and of those rare species that do bite, with few exceptions, it is no worse than a bee sting.

Antillis Pink Toe Versacolor Tarantula 2
This one had just molted and was as soft and gentle as a teddy bear. They really are amazing creatures.

Brazilian Black and White Tarantula 3

Taranchula 4

Taranchula 5

Chilean Rose Hair Tarantula 6

Praying Mantis 7

Praying Mantis 8

Praying Mantis 9

Yellow Jacket 10

Yellow Jacket 11

Yellow Jacket 12

Yellow Jacket 14

Yellow Jacket 15

Hornet 16

Hornet 17

Hornet 18
Hornet 19

Honey Bee 20

Honey Bee 21

Bee 22
Mason Bee 23

Mason Bee 24
Bee 25

HoneyBee 26

Red Ant 27

Red Ant 28

Red Ant 29

Red Ant 30

Scorpion 31

Spider 32

Spider 33

Orb Weaving Spider 34

Water Skeeter 35

Giant Hissing Cockroach 36

Fly 37

Grasshopper 39

Bug Carpenter Bee 40

Yellow Crab Spider 41

Yellow Crab Spider 42
Sharing 43
Daddy Long Leg 45

Ants 47

Dragonfly 48

Mating Dragonflies 49

Dragonfly 50

Wolf Spider 51

Mud Dauber Wasp 52

Mud Dauber Wasp 54

Bug 55

Boxelder Bug 56

White Cabbage Buttterfly 57

Wolf Spider 60

Royal Scorpion 71

Bluet Dragonflies 72
Katydid Leaf Bug 73

Ants 75

Bug 76

Ladybug 77

Ant 0n a Flower 78

Glomerid Millipede 79

Robber Fly 80

Woodland Beetle 81

Bug on a Flower 82

Praying Mantis 85

Praying Mantis 86

Praying Mantis 87

Praying Mantis 88

Bee 89

Honeybee 90

Bee 91
An unknown Bee on an unknown flower. If you can identify please make a comment.